Insights Case Studies

Key Offerings

IDMP Assessment

Data level status reports and analytics in terms of availability, accuracy and integrity 

IDMP Readiness questionnaire

Completeness of the data elements
Data compilation status
Data submission status
Data quality

IDMP Readiness Support Data Management

Data management strategy and implementation approach

IDMP readiness, gap analysis and future state recommendations

On-premise or cloud-hosted IDMP Software

Training & Documentation Support for IDMP submission and maintenance

IDMP Hub Model & Integrations

The IDMP Hub model is intuitive and user-friendly, which can be hosted on-demand and web-based solution that can support authoring, reviewing, approving, publishing, and archival processes with state-of-the-art navigation and user interface.

The IDMP Hub software solution can be built as per the clients’ needs as modular data entry screens based on submission components, enabling granular authoring and component level data entry validation without any dependency on completion of other components.

It will have an inbuilt function that automatically tracks, captures, and updates any future changes entered.

The software solution efficiently monitors, tracks, updates and creates eXtensible Markup Language (XML) files that are compliant with the EMA requirements. .

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